The Binyamin Medical Center represents a new model for healthcare in Israel.
A sophisticated model integrating private and public health services, allowing doctors and health care providers to expand their services to the
community while ensuring the fiscal integrity of the enterprise.
The success of the center is dependent on careful and expert planning of a healthy and robust financial model that will ensure versatility and professional excellence with the sustainability of the center into the future.
The center will integrate all regional medical and emergency resources
under one roof, including public and private HMOs, Magen David Adom,
Hatzalah, the IDF Medical Corps, and local medical and security teams.
The improvement in the quality of life and overall sense of security will directly affect the attractiveness of living in Binyamin to new residents.
The Binyamin Medical Center
is a non-profit initiative with the goal of saving lives and
providing much needed accessible, affordable,
quality medical care while achieving
self-sustainability and becoming a vital organ for area residents.
The Center is a joint initiative of
The Foundation for the Advancement of Medical Services in Binyamin,
The Binyamin Regional Council and One Israel Fund
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The Binyamin Medical Center
Providing a full array of state-of-the-art, accessible, affordable,
quality medical care for the entire Binyamin region.
From primary to emergency care,
advance imaging and diagnostics,
and diverse specialties;
the center will have a transformative impact on the Binyamin region,
bringing life-saving medical care, economic development,
and peace of mind to its residents.
Although Binyamin is the largest regional council in Israel,
with more than 200,000 Israeli residents living in 50 communities,
alongside other large municipalities such as Bet El and Maaleh Adumim,
the available medical services are severely limited in scope. Advance and emergency services are dependent solely on Jerusalem hospitals.

(Click to Enlarge)
Our Services

Full 24/7 General and Emergency Medical Services
The Binyamin Medical Center will also feature:


The Binyamin Region


= Dedicated
Medical Center Naming
Surgery & Trauma Pavilion
Urgent Care Pavilion
Police and Security Headquarters
Recovery and Monitoring Unit (x2)
Central Reception and Info Center
Food Court
Academic Research Center
Staff Lounge (x2)
Administrative Suite
Waiting Room (x15)
Paramedic Lounge
Ambulance and Fire Truck Hanger (x2)
Doctor’s Office (x20)
Center for Women’s Health
Eye Institute
Dialysis Center
Oncology Outpatient Center
The Heart and Lung Institute
Gastroenterology Clinic
Emergency Birthing Unit
Dental Clinic
Urology Unit
Fertility Clinic
Orthopedics Center
3D Mammography Unit
X-Ray Units (x2)
Oxygen System
Ultrasound – General (x2)
Ultrasound – GYN
Portable X-Ray
Fluoroscan Mini C-Arm
Meditation & Relaxation Gardens
Portable Incubator
Training Center Equipment
Portable Ultrasound
Defibrillator – Fully Auto w/Ext Pacemaker
Respirator – Auto
Medicine Dispenser (Pyxis) (x2)
Autoclave (x3)
Fetal Monitor (x3)
Arthroscopy Tower
Slit Lamp
Cardiac Monitor (x3)
ALS Kit (x5)
Crutches (20 sets)
Electrocardiogram (ECG) (x3)
Aron Kodesh / Ark
Sefer Torah
Electric Shabbat Vehicle
Shabbat Elevator
Grama Lighting & Electric System
Bikur Cholim Society
Armored Ambulance
Cardiac Ambulance
Patient Assistance Fund
Mezuzot (100 Units)
Communications System
Medical Center Campus Naming
Family & Primary Care Pavilion
Advance Radiology & Imaging Pavilion
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT)
Pediatric Urgent Care Unit
Surgical Suite (x5)
Reception Counter (x6)
Rehabilitation and Exercise Center
Magen David Adom (MDA) Wing
Atrium (Main Entrance)
IDF General and Specialty Clinics
Lower Atrium (Ground Entrance)
Mass Casualty Readiness Center
Nurse Station (x5) (Dedicated: 1)
Handicap Bathrooms (x16) (Dedicated: 4)
Institute for Mental Health
Center for Specialty Medicine
Blood Bank
Endoscopy Unit
Audiology Center
Allergy and Asthma Clinic
Diabetes Clinic
Center for Nutrition and Holistic Medicine
Physiotherapy Center
Coulter for CBC Analyzer
Urine Analyzer
Fiberoptic Laryngoscope
Audio-Visual System
Multi Parameter Vitals Machine (x6)
Computer/Printer (x25)
BLS Kit (x5)
Universal Drive Set (Styker Core)
Inhalator (x20)
Electrocautery Machine
Tourniquet Machine (x5)
Cardiac Enzymes
Equipment Cart (x10)
IV Pole (x20)
Digital Baby Scale (x5)
Mayo Stand (x15)
Digital BMI Scale (x10)
Crash Cart
Coag Measurement Machine
Eye Chart Projector
Treatment Tablets (x25)
Pulse Oxi-meter (x10)
Surgical Light (x5)
Autoscope (x20)
Grama Lighting & Electric System
Shabbat Keyboards
Shabbat Phone (4)
Doctor Office Furnishings (x20)
Treatment Bed (x100)
Recliner (Jerry) Chair (x10)
Adjustable Stool (x10)
Medical Refrigeration (x5)
Wheelchair (x5)
Folding Treatment Bed (x30)
* Dedication plaques will be placed on the wall of the furnished room or in the room where the equipment will be used, and on the equipment itself. In addition, there is a central dedication wall.
** Dedication plaques as joint donors (several plaques will say “with the generous assistance of”) are available on all rooms that have not been fully dedicated.
Other Ways to Donate
Establish a Legacy Gift
Give Effectively—and Strategically
Different giving vehicles offer a variety of advantages, including gift, income, estate and capital gains tax benefits, which can maximize the benefits to your family and The Binyamin Medical Center.
Donate by Mail
You can send any donations via mail to:
Binyamin Medical Center Foundation
492-c Cedar Lane, Suite #184, Teaneck NJ 07666
Cash or Check or Online
Gifts of cash are the most common type of contribution. Unless you derive a benefit from your contribution you can generally deduct 100 percent of your gift. Our secure site allows you to make a contribution using your credit card.
Corporate Matching
Many companies have a corporate gift matching programs through which they will supplement the charitable contributions made by their employees. Check with your company's Human Resources office to see if they offer gift matching (If they don't, ask your company to start one).
Real Estate
If you anticipate selling your house, remember that an outright gift of your residence will entitle you to a charitable income tax deduction equal to its entire appraised or fair market value. If you do not anticipate relocating, you may find that a gift of your house with a "retained life estate" is even more attractive.
In-Kind Gifts
In-kind gifts are non-cash gifts to the Medical Center, such as artwork, historical documents, medical equipment or property. Since the taxes for in-kind gifts vary significantly depending on the nature of the gift, please consult your tax adviser when considering such a contribution.
Stocks & Bonds
If you already intend to sell appreciated stock, you may save money by gifting this stock to the BMC instead of contributing cash. While the gift of stock will, like a gift of cash, entitle you to a charitable income tax deduction, it will also enable you to avoid the capital gains tax you would owe if you had sold the stock yourself. If you would like to make a gift of stock to the BMC, please contact us at info@Binyaminmedicalcenter.org or 914-3685212 (global)
Planned Giving
Planned giving options include gifts of pensions, life income trust, life insurance and
real estate. With a carefully considered gift strategy and estate planning, you may
earn an income while putting money to work for the BMC, reduce taxes now or for
your heirs and create a lasting philanthropic contribution that supports the mission
and medical excellence of the Binyamin Medical Center.
Click on the document to the right to download the form.
Deferred or Life-Income Gifts
Gift Annuity Charitable Remainder Trust Charitable Lead Trust Retained Life Estate
IRA Charitable Rollover
If you are eligible, distributing IRA assets directly to the BMC is a way to make an impactful gift and decrease the tax burden on your family.
Click on the document below to download the form.
An endowment fund is a permanent fund you establish in your own name or in the name of someone you would like to honor or remember. The enduring nature of an endowment fund is what makes it special. Through the permanent legacy you will provide a vital source of support to help meet the current and future needs of our medical center. The BMC will invest the fund in a professionally managed portfolio. Each year, we will distribute a percentage of the fund to important initiatives at the center.
Testamentary Trust
A charitable bequest is one of the easiest ways to leave a lasting impact on the communities of Binyamin. You can make a bequest in your will or trust, directing a gift to the specific purpose you would like to support. You can specify a dollar value, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder of your estate. Your bequest can include cash, securities, or other property. If you already have a trust or a will, your attorney can prepare a simple amendment or codicil to provide for your bequest.
Life Insurance
Using life insurance to fund a charitable gift allows you to leave a substantial legacy for a relatively modest outlay. You can transfer an existing life insurance policy to the Binyamin Medical Center and receive a charitable income tax deduction. If the policy is not fully paid, you can make deductible contributions that the BMC can use to pay the premiums. If you purchase a life insurance policy and name the BMC as the beneficiary, you will continue to own and can make use of the policy during your lifetime.
We are happy to discuss other giving vehicles such as annuities and charitable trusts.
Family Philanthropic Fund
Designed to engage your whole family in giving and to establish a legacy of philanthropy.
Advisory Board

The Members of the Board of
The Foundation for the Advancement of Medical Services in Binyamin
Ariel Ben David
Yaakov Nitzan
Sara (and Eliezer) Rosenfeld
Mali Stringler
Leor Strul
Shay Alon (Mayor of Bet El)
Rabbi David Marcus
United States
The Advisory Board
Prof. Arieh Eldad
Fmr. Member of Knesset and Fmr. IDF Chief Medical Officer
Todd Zalut MD
Director of Emergency Medicine, Shaare Zedek Medical Center
Yitzchak Glick MD
Chairman and Medical Director, Efrat Medical Center
Liat Appelbaum MD
Director Ultrasound Institute, Hadassah Medical Center
Prof. S. Nahum Goldberg MD
Head of Interventional Oncology Unit and
Director of the Applied Radiology Research Lab,
Hadassah Medical Center
Lt. Col. Adi Leiba MD
Chief Nephrologist at Ashdod-Asuta
Fmr. IDF Chief Medical Officer, Judea and Samaria Division
Prof. Freda DeKeyser Ganz PhD, RN
Coordinator of Research and Development and Head of the
Doctoral Program, Hadassah School of Nursing
Shlomo Rothchild
CEO Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital
Simcha Yagel MD
Head Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Hadassah Medical Center
Prof. Alon Pikarsky MD
Head, Departments of General and Colorectal Surgery
Hadassah Medical Center
Prof. Joav Merrick MD, MMedSci, DMSc
Professor of Pediatrics, Child Health and Human Development,
Division of Pediatrics, Hadassah Medical Center
Prof. Yosef Frost
Chair, Interdisciplinary School for Society & Community,
Hadassah Academic College; Senior Administrator, Klalit
Lawrence D. Platt MD
Clinical Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Rabbi Edward I. Reichman MD
Professor, Division of Education and Bioethics in the Department
of Epidemiology and Population Health
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
Sean Enis MD
Director of Breast Imaging and Intervention,
New Jersey Imaging Network
Howard Baruch MD
Chief of Orthopedic Surgery, Bergen Regional Medical Center

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